It has been a time of frustration to some degree. It was important to find the correct place to send the machine to. I really wanted an airfield that:
a) wasn’t too far from Long Beach port.
b) preferably East of Long beach.
c)was big enough to have services and storage.
d)has accommodation and rental cars nearby along with public transport for later on.
e)has a good EAA chapter for assistance
After struggling with a few places and their contacts, I decided to try a few Falco builders.. I was almost resigned to going to plan B using San Francisco as the entry point (port of Oakland).
I tried Dan Dorr.. he a pilot with Southwest. He’s obviously a busy man. He offered a few suggestions but he is in the SFO area which isn’t my first choice mainly due to Air NZ not flying there as often as LAX.
Then I tried Ray Hecker. He arranges the West Coast fly-in each year. He bought a pre-loved Falco and he is a super keen Falcoholic. I couldn’t have asked for more. overnight I got three info packed emails with lots of helpful advise. He is based at Chino in LA and suggested I launch from there. With help like that I couldn’t say no. I was excited again!
AND.. We’ve got a cat called Cino (pronounced Chino) so I have to.. right?